Jackie Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor Bushell Ward Learn more

Coronavirus Vaccination Programme Update

by Jackie Hook on 6 January, 2021

The national coronavirus vaccination programme, led by NHS England and Improvement, began before Christmas with hundreds of local vaccination services run by family doctors and their teams opening across England. As part of this, all people in Devon who are eligible will be offered the vaccine according to prioritisation from the national independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). Of our patients, people over 80 are most at risk from COVID-19 and are the priority cohort.

The first phase of GP-led vaccination centres in Devon has seen the opening of 16 sites serving a large proportion of the county’s practices.  This has been a monumental effort and we are proud of the frontline health staff that have made possible in just a few weeks what would, in the case of the annual flu vaccination, usually take six months of planning.

The sites are being opened in phases. Subject to the completion of assurance processes, we expect further sites across Devon, including the Teignbridge area, will be announced in the coming days and this will ensure coverage right across Devon.

Eligible patients will be contacted when their practice starts to offer these.  We know lots of people will be eager to get protected but we are asking people not to contact the NHS and to wait for our call.

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