Jackie Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor Bushell Ward Learn more

Bradley Barton NA6 Planning Application Deferred

by Jackie Hook on 1 March, 2019

The planning application for 104 houses opposite Bradley Barton School, was considered at Planning Committee on Tuesday Feb 19th.
After much discussion, and it must be said a fair slamming by Councillors, of Persimmon’s reputation as a developer, it was agreed that the application be deferred for further negotiations between Teignbridge District Council planners and Persimmons. The negotiations asked for by myself were around,
– improved onsite parking provision. There are currently less than 1 and half spaces per property and no provision for visitors.
– Also, the mix of different sizes of affordable properties should be improved, there being no one bed flats or 4 bed properties offered by Persimmon, even though there is known demand for these. Originally Persimmons had been providing houses so small that some of the bedrooms were not big enough for a bed, and Housing Associations had said they would not take the houses on if they remained at that size.
– The other obvious matter is the fact that Persimmons are just squashing too many houses on to the site which compromises the landscape requirements and open space and play space provision. The Local Plan says “at least 70 houses”, but as one objector stated so well, if 104 houses was the intention, then the Local Plan would have said “at least 100” houses. I have asked for the number to be limited to 79 max.
The planning application comes back to the April Planning Committee, where it will be considered by Councillors again. Please get in touch with your views.


2 Responses

  1. I do not think houses should be built there at all we do not have the road introstructure or schools

    • jackiebrodie says:

      Sheila, I very much understand the view you express, there is very much a feeling at the moment that Newton Abbot is taking more than it’s fair share of housing development, without accompanying infrastructure. This site was allocated in the Council’s Local Plan back in 2014. Under the current planning system, the Council has a duty to produce a Plan and has to allocate sites for housing. From May this year the Conservative Govt is imposing non-negotiable housing numbers on every Council, which will increase the annual figure even more!! My feeling is that we do need some housing of the right type and genuinely affordable. There are many looking to buy and rent, or upsize or downsize, in our town. However, the Local Plan allocated sites for the next 20 years and it seems as if most of those sites are being built out in the first 5 years of the Plan period, that can’t be right. Unfortunately the Council has no means of stopping developers submitting applications, and the Council then has a duty to make a decision. Even if the Council ie. Cllrs decide that they are not happy with an application and refuse it, the developer can Appeal, and given that the site is allocated in the Local Plan, a Planning Inspector will in all likelihood decide in the developers favour. This is what happened at Whitehill. May I respectfully suggest that if you would like to see a different planning and housing system, with less favours given to developers you need to vote out this present government. If you carry on voting in Conservative Governments and Councils they will carry on believing that you like their policies!!

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