Jackie Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor Bushell Ward Learn more

DCC Conservatives add £15m to Reserves

by Jackie Hook on 19 September, 2017

A debate was held last week at County Hall, instigated by the Lib Dems, regarding the wisdom ( or otherwise) of the Conservative administration taking £2.2 million from the schools budget and adding £15 million to the reserves. The action was defended by the Conservative spokesperson on the grounds that the £2.2 million was moved from one budget head ( Schools) to another, ( Special Needs Education) and that if Government got wind of the fact that they had taken money from reserves for education, it would undermine the Counties claim for greater Central Government investment in Devon Schools. Does one laugh or cry? No one suggests for one moment that SNE is other than very important, but how can £15 million into reserves be possibly justified at a time of such enormous need in various budget heads, and most certainly education. Our schools are being starved of cash, our teachers feel they are trying to perform miracles with at least one hand tied behind their backs and morale is consequently undermined. Our teachers, and even more importantly our children, deserve better.

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